6/10/2022 0 Kommentare The Inside Journey"An inside journey is a journey towards absolute aloneness; you cannot take anybody there with you. You cannot share your centre with anybody, not even with your beloved. It is not in the nature of things; nothing can be done about it. It is easier to go to the moon because you can have company. Even if you don’t have company you can have a connection with the earth; you can phone the people here. You can get directions from the outside, from the far away earth, but still you are connected. The moment you go in, all connections with the outside world are broken; all bridges are broken. In fact, the whole world disappears.
That’s why the mystics have called the world illusory, maya, not that it does not exist but for the meditator, one who goes in, it is almost as if it does not exist. The silence is so profound; no noise penetrates it. The aloneness is so deep that one needs guts. But out of that aloneness explodes bliss. Out of that aloneness, the experience of god. There is no other way; there has never been any and there is never going to be." Osho, Book: Just the Tip of the Iceberg, Ch 18
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Markus Wilsing, Alexander Arda Wilsing |